

This machine sews a wide overedge seam that allows the seam to be flat when the carpet is stretched.

4000B Union Special

A light weight, single needle. hand-held machine used in the tufting department to sew rolls of backing together.


This machine is most often used in tufting to sew backing together. It can be used either on a railway or a pedestal.

Consew 7A

The Consew 7A Tuffy portable chain stitch is a heavy-duty machine made for sewing lightweight goods, especially carpet backing prior to tufting.


This railway system allows the sewing and trimming equipment to move the width of the material being sewn.


This machine sews a wide overedge seam that allows the seam to be flat when the carpet is stretched. The flatter the finished seam, the less carpet is lost throughout the complete process.

Trimmer and Butt-seamer

The trimmer that is used with this system is a heavy-duty cutter with twin blades. These blades make a scissor cut and are safer to use than single blade cutters.